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1Mon dernier article en anglais Empty Mon dernier article en anglais Dim 13 Mai - 0:36

Trust xFreeman

Trust xFreeman

Salut la Trust :) ,
Comme vous vous en souvenez (ou pas :noel: ) mon prof d'anglais veut qu'on poste des articles mensuels en anglais sur son blague a propos de n'importe quel sujet, j'ai donc bien entendu choisi les jeux videos Razz et cet article est donc le dernier que je posterais donc j'ai choisit de m'attaquer a un gros (tres gros) morceau : :ange: la trilogie Mass Effect, selon moi c'est l'article le plus aboutit meme si quelques fautes d'orthographes subsistent sans doute :dsl: , Bref voila la béte, Enjoy ! :

Hello class, for this final post I gonna talk about my favorite video games series:

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Mass effect is a Science-Fiction action-Role Playing Series, is a Trilogy who is considered by a lot of people like the “Star Wars” of the video games. The first Game was sailed on xbox 360 in 2007, the second game on xbox 360 and PS3 in 2009 and the third game in 2012. The game was developed by Bioware.

Mon dernier article en anglais MassEffect2Citadel

In 2148, the humanity discover on Mars the thechnology of an ancient alien breed who seem to have disappear thousand years ago. Help by this technology , the humankind get out of the solar system, established colony and discover others Aliens breed, who use the same technology let by the ancient Aliens named “Protheans”, who cohabit through all the Galaxy, the humanity has formed the Human Systems Alliance, one of many independent bodies that make up the collective of "Citadel space", a group of all the species of the Milky Way and who is command by the “Council” set is the Giant space station named “the Citadel”. Because the Humanity is the last species to have reach “the Citadel”, the humans are treat like strangers and inferiors species and don’t have a big weight on the Galaxy .

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During the history of the Citadel, three Major conflict happened:

The Rachni War : this war happened a few milliners before when an insectoids aliens species came from the confines of the Galaxy and destroy everything who stand front them, after a century of war, the salarian species decides to use a Half wild species named “Krogan” to fight the Rachnis, that’s was a success, the big demography of the Krogan and them predispositions to the war defeated the Rachnis.

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The Krogan Rebellion: After defeated the Rachnis the krogans begins to expendes her breed on other planet even if they was already occupy, fragilised by the Rachni’s war the Galaxy council can’t fight against his threat. But the salarians solved the problem by introducing a virus called “genophage” who cause pre natal failure in all but 1 for 1000 krogan pregnancies.

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The Geth War : they happened only a few century before the humanity reach the citadel, the “quarian” species have build a lot of robots in their homeworld, but they realized that the robots became too smart so their try to destruct them but the robots want to defense theirs lives so their regroupe under one’s name the “Geth” and fight the Quarians for survive, they win the fight and obligate Quarians to leave their planet and became a “migrant fleet” of 50.000 ships.

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The Story of the first game begin in 2183, and follow the path of the Commander Shepard, a veteran soldier, the player can choose his gender, his face and his background, Shepard is assignated on the prototype of recon starship of the Alliance, The SSV Normandy, who have for mission to reach the huan colony of Eden Prime where Prothean technology have been revealed, but when the ship arrived a giant ship already attacking the colony Help by Geth robots and lead by Saren a Turian Spectre (the special force of the council) , during the fight the Commander Shepard have a contact with an “Prothean” artifact who give him a vision and was close to kill him before it explode. After the attack Shepard decide to lead the SSV Normandy to purchase Saren and try to understand his vision. In his quest he discover that a dangerous kind of machine named “reapers” came all the 50.000 years to kills every organic life on Galaxy and that’s the reason of the disparition of the Protheans.. the Reapers invasion his coming and shepard gonna prepare to fight against it.

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TThe second games begin one month after the end of mass effect 1 by the dead of Shepard killed by a Giant Ship who also destroy his Ship the SSV Normandy. Two years after, Cerberus, an organization who fights for humans supremacy on the Galaxy, make came back to life Shepard to help them to discover why entire human’s colony disappear throught the galaxy. They gve him a nex team and a new version of his ship, the SSV Normandy SR2.

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The third games begin on Earth during the process of Shepard after he have explode an entire System and killing 300.000 Butarians to retard reaper’s invasion but in the middle of the process the Reaper’s reach Earth and start destruct everything , he must leave Earth in his ship to bring back help from the Galaxy, but the Reaper’s invasion attack the enteire species, the game give the feeling of Apocalypse. Shepard must forge alliances to have help but his choices can have huge consequences.

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The Gameplay on Mass effect is based of a mix of Third Persons Shooters with elements of RPG, you can choose the specificities of Shepard like , during the combats Shepard can get cover behind walls and use powers and guns to kills his enemies.

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The real innovation of Mass Effect is the dialogue system , who is very interactive and reinforce the implication with the characters of the game.

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The story of Mass Effect is very impressive and the numerous characters of the game are all well designed with a real background the Teammates you can have during the three games are very endearing and have a unique personality.

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Mass Effect is more a game of choice than a action game or a RPG, during all the games you gonna have a lot of choices to do who depend of the personality of your characters or yours actions, kill someone or let him go, choose one way to solve a problem but some choices are even dilemma like this situation on the first game when you can save only one of two importants and endearing characters of the story or choose to cure the Genophage of the Krogans or even choose the destiny of the Geths.

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An other important points of the game experience of Mass Effect is the save importation between the game, when you play Mass Effect 1 and after you play to Mass Effect 2 you can import your save from Mass effect 1 so you can play with the characters you play in Mass Effect 1 and you can retrieve the consequences of the choices you’ve made in the precedent game, the same proceed is apply for Mass Effect 3 whit a little update, when you import your Shepards from Mass Effect 2 you also begin the game with the same levels who you got in the end of Mass effect 2 .

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Mass Effect entire series have got a critical acclaim, Game informer rate Mass Effect 3 10 out of 10 and say that : "BioWare has delivered one of the most intricately crafted stories in the history of the medium" Official Xbox Magazine gave Mass Effect 1 the sixth '10' in the magazine's history, raving, "Mass Effect is a great science-fiction novel in video game form. Meaning, it mixes the highest caliber of pure story with the decision making and raw action of the best games." The OXM reviewer also praised it saying "It's the best game I've ever played" and remarked that it had "The best story ever told in a videogame. Period." Shacknews praised, "While the core gameplay is nothing new — sometimes disappointingly so — Mass Effect represents a generational jump in storytelling artistry. The first Mass effect was rated 91\100 on Metacritic (website who make average of all the reviews of video games) the second got a 96\100 and the third 93\100.

Mon dernier article en anglais Mass-effect-normandy

That’s finish my article and my years on this blog goodbye everyone !

Norman Lair

ApoG Eiz3nh4iM

ApoG Eiz3nh4iM

On s'en fou ces de la merde l'anglais lol je te taquine

Trust xNero

Trust xNero

xD l'enfoiré Apog Mon dernier article en anglais 1491891232

Pas mal ton article avec sa t'auras au moins 14.5 ;)

Trust xFreeman

Trust xFreeman

DE toute maniere mon prof mait toujours 15 pour tous les artciles et zero si tu le fait pas :(

ApoG Eiz3nh4iM

ApoG Eiz3nh4iM

Au pire, je peu te proposé pour ton prochain texte, tu le fait sur les Pokémon ou au pire sur moi, je pense qu'avec moi tu peut te choppé un bon 30/20 facile quoi ;)

Trust xDempsey

Trust xDempsey

super boulot Mon dernier article en anglais 3176931354
en plus tu résume bien l'histoire

Trust xFreeman

Trust xFreeman

Merci :) , L'histoire c'est la partie qui était le plus dure car fallait savoir quelle élements mettre pour que les neophytes,parce que mon prof d'anglaiq voila quoi --' comprenne mais resumer tout le backgtround et l'histoire c'était un vrai casse-tete , en plus au depart je voulais etaler cet article sur trois mois en trois pareties, un par jeu mais j'ai pas eu le temps mah bon j'ai essayé de faire au mieux :p

Trust xTracK

Trust xTracK

Je trouve que ton article est bien fait :D

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